Monday, January 24, 2011


Raise your hand if you love mesquitoes. Anyone? personally, I can't wait until monsoon season, just so I can feel that sting of the straw, and those lovely itchy bumps on my arms and neck. lovely. But seriously, I believe that Mosquitoes do provide a sufficient amount of help to our own human preferences, as well as those of many other animals.
    Mosquitoes help pollinate a huge variety of plants, some necessary to preserving habitats and even entire biospheres. They also provide food to many animals, including a huge number of migratory birds in alaska. Why would you wipe out any species? If any species causes enough harm to be exterminated, It's us. Oh, and although it is slightly morbid, Mosquitoes are playing a role in keeping the entire planet alive, by keeping our population down with their many viruses. Overall consensus? Mosquitoes stay.

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