Monday, January 24, 2011

Ecosystem services...or else.

Ecosystem Services. That's a weird term. What services are we talking here? environmental help, recreation? Truth is, the divisions of Ecosystem Services are something that we all think about, and we all want. A cash trade. But of all the different trades for money, Ecosystem Services may provide one of the best, or worst, income reasoning. The ecosystem does many things for us. Providing oxygen, water, and endless recourses, among many other things, are needed for human existence. So say you spend your time helping other people get what they want. Don't you want compensation that benefits you? This is how Ecosystem services work. The idea is that if citizens were to contribute tax money or other funds, then divisions of Ecosystem Services could generate that money back into preserving the environment. All in all, I think it's a pretty good deal. Plus, all that green paper came from nature, so we might as well start to pay it back.

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