Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chimps come out of retirement to play professional football for the Green Bay Packers (and do scientific testing)

Animal testing is EXTREMELY controversial, even often illegal, which is why people are practically up in arms about a group of chimps in New Mexico being reenlisted to test cures for different forms of HIV. Recently, an article in Nature News added to the flames.

So how do we get around this problem? Animal testing obviously has it's lows, especially when there is no cure for what they are infecting them with. Some solutions that have been presented are testing on prisoners (think Guatemala in the 60's), volunteers, and plain out not testing on living creatures. So why don't we use one of these alternatives? Everyone has a different view on what is cruel, humane, or necessary. one comment below this article stated, "To think that these animals would be put back into research studies is disturbing. Then what – stash them away somewhere for another 10 years. it seems that they have been subjected to enough.
I would think that the general public is against this and their wishes should be respected. All animal based research relies on the support of the public. This is not the way to gain or even maintain current support levels." however, another comment stated, "Just because these chimpanzees are already in captivity does NOT mean we should conduct invasive, unnecessary experiments on them. They've already been through enough, and we owe them respect and permanent retirement."
With this much indecision, how can we ever come to a consensus? 

Personally, I feel that this type of animal testing, although not necessarily kind to the chimpanzees, is fairly humane and not cruel. Considering the animals' quality of living, I doubt the testing is more bothersome than a zoo exhibit or astronautic conditioning. And to those whom are so outraged, why don't you step in for them? because they certainly don't seem to mind. and as to the idea of testing on prisoners, I feel that that would be GREAT on death row/life sentence convicts. aside from those few, I believe the 8th amendment saves them and rightfully so.

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